Civilization Works Latest Stories & Post Archive
Pro-Nuclear “Fest” in Munich, Germany on October 21!
Coalition members view saving and expanding European nuclear power plants as essential to protecting the natural environment, including the climate, and/or safeguarding Europe’s energy security from growing over-dependence on imported natural gas.
How Nations Go Nuclear: An Interview With M.I.T.'s Vipin Narang
Recent decades have seen the growth of a large body of scholarly literature about why nations seek nuclear weapons, but far less on how they do it.
The Greens are no longer Finland!
With regard to nuclear energy, and for the first time in Europe, this green party is now "open to all research and development on low-carbon technologies that respect the environment.
Pro-Nuclear Now: Why My View Changed, And What I Learned Along the Way -- Part 1
I worry about a lot of things. Radiation is no longer one of them.
Pro-Nuclear Victory in New Jersey! But at the Cost of a Hefty Subsidy for Solar
For pro-nuclear advocates, the lesson from New Jersey is clear: advocacy works.
Billionaire Energy Speculator Tom Steyer Bankrolls Arizona Initiative That Would Close America's Single Largest Source of Clean Energy
Tom Steyer, a billionaire energy speculator, is bankrolling an Arizona ballot initiative that would prematurely close the state’s sole nuclear plant — which is also America’s largest single source of clean energy
California in Danger: Why the Dream is Dying and How We Can Save It
California’s pro-scarcity coalition is aging, weakening and threatened by a countervailing movement of younger and hungrier newcomers advocating inclusion and abundance. A coalition founded on those values could challenge and eventually overthrow the old regime.
Electricity prices in California rose three times more in 2017 than they did in the rest of the United States
Between 2016 and 2017, California’s electricity prices rose three times more than they did in the rest of the United States, according to an analysis by Environmental Progress.
Grist Goes Nuclear
Grist has published its longest, most positive, and most scientifically accurate piece on nuclear energy to date headlined, "It's Time to Go Nuclear Against Climate Change".
Jerry Brown's Secret War on Clean Energy
A two-year investigation by Environmental Progress concludes that no American politician has killed more clean energy than Gov. Jerry Brown — and in ways that often benefited his own family financially.
Environmental Progress Urges US Justice Department Action Against Corrupt California Public Utility Commission
Environmental Progress has requested the U.S. Department of Justice take over from the California Department of Justice the investigation of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for possible criminal activities relating to the closure of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).
Elon Musk's Tesla Calls for Killing California's Largest Source of Clean Energy, Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant
*For the record, renewables received about 100x more in subsidies than nuclear did in 2016.
We fought hard, and won big. Now we must press our advantage
With your help we will achieve our shared dream of nature and prosperity for all.
Why I changed my mind about nuclear power: Transcript of Michael Shellenberger's TEDx Berlin 2017
Like a lot of kids born in the early 1970s, I had the good fortune to be raised by hippies…
Why is California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom Seeking to Kill Our Largest Source of Clean Energy?
The people of our state deserve to know why Lieutenent Governor Gavin Newsom trying to kill our largest source of clean power alongside them. But the reason is simple: he thinks he can get away with it. He’s wrong.
The Power to Decarbonize
Ten years after my initial forays into this subject area I am more than ever of the view that a future-facing climate policy must be informed by backward-facing energy analysis.