Energy and the Environment

Civilization Works supports a pro-human view of the environment, believing that everyone should have access to clean air, clean water, and abundant energy. From our ground-breaking research and writing, our widely-viewed TED talks, and our support for the people, ideas, and organizations in the pro-human environmental movement, Civilization Works is a strong believer in protecting the planet for all its inhabitants.


Below is a brief summary of our work on Energy & Environment, from the early days of Environmental Progress (EP) through to the founding of Civilization Works (CW). 


Along with advocating for clean, cheap and abundant energy sources for all, like Nuclear, CW also exposes pseudoscientific climate science and alarmism. We research the environmental impacts of large-scale ‘renewable’ energy development and uncover corruption within the green energy sector. 

Occasionally, we face censorship as a result of our unshakable commitment to truth for the betterment of humanity, civilization, and the environment – no matter how politically inconvenient.  

Future Investigations:

We are currently undertaking further research into the environmental harms of expansive energy projects, to better understand the potential consequences for other charismatic creatures such as:

  • Eagles: investigating recent changes by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to alter/relax public engagement on granting eagle permits relating to wind energy.

  • Desert Tortoises: researching the destruction of desert habitat due to solar and wind development.


Intent on uncovering the cause of a concerning rise in North Atlantic Right Whale deaths, our team spent many months of 2023 tracking boat traffic and collisions with these critically endangered animals, as well as mapping high-decibel sonar separating mothers from their calves. 

Through diligent investigations, data gathering, and underwater acoustic studies we discovered that East coast wind development projects are threatening the viability of the North Atlantic Right Whale. We shared this empirical evidence in hard-hitting documentary films, Thrown to the Wind part I and II.


Our atomic pro-human movement has now spread across 32 countries on six continents, making headlines around the world. 

Shifts in policy have saved 22 U.S. reactors, including Diablo Canyon Power Plant in California, with Congress crafting a $6 billion Civil Nuclear Credit Program through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. We also helped save Nuclear power in France, South Korea and Taiwan. 

Peaceful life-affirming “Stand Up for Nuclearevents stand in sharp contrast to violent protests by nihilistic Extinction Rebellion activists, as do our growing environmentalist movements to save the whales and other majestic fauna from harmful large-scale energy development projects.

energy & environment: News, reports and more