Civilization Works Latest Stories & Post Archive

Energy & Environment, News Bryony Dixon Energy & Environment, News Bryony Dixon

RePlanet Nederland letter to the EU Commission about the sustainable finance taxonomy

On behalf of RePlanet NL, an NGO dedicated to advocating science-based solutions to environmental and economic development challenges, and of the undersigned like-minded groups and individuals, we hereby offer for your information our critical review of the leaked draft of the Delegated Regulation Sustainable Finance Taxonomy.

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Energy & Environment, News Bryony Dixon Energy & Environment, News Bryony Dixon

Nuclear Plant Closures And Renewables Increase Electricity Prices & Unreliability, Testifies Michael Shellenberger to U.S. Senate

The Senate can play a constructive role in maintaining the reliability, resiliency, affordability, as well as the diversity and sustainability, of our grid by taking policy action now to keep operating the nuclear plants that have been critical to preventing power outages in recent years.

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Energy & Environment, News Bryony Dixon Energy & Environment, News Bryony Dixon

Testimony by Michael Shellenberger before the House Agriculture Committee on “Climate Change and the U.S. Agriculture and Forestry Sectors”

Policymakers should explicitly reject policies that significantly raise food and energy prices, directly or indirectly. Republicans and Democrats alike should affirm their commitment to human flourishing and prosperity, both of which depend on cheap food and energy.

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News, Energy & Environment Bryony Dixon News, Energy & Environment Bryony Dixon

Testimony of Michael D. Shellenberger Founder and President, Environmental Progress For the House Oversight Committee August 5, 2020

American energy policy should be oriented toward global competitiveness and even “dominance,” not just improved health outcomes. Such a plan would seek to replace the natural gas burned domestically with nuclear energy, and to increase the export of natural gas abroad. Such a policy would also support the health and climate goals of using natural gas rather than coal.

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