Civilization Works Latest Stories & Post Archive
The Power to Decarbonize
Ten years after my initial forays into this subject area I am more than ever of the view that a future-facing climate policy must be informed by backward-facing energy analysis.
Stanford University Professor Mark Z. Jacobson Sues Prestigious Team of Scientists for Debunking 100% Renewables
Stanford University professor Mark Z. Jacobson has filed a lawsuit, demanding $10 million in damages, against the peer-reviewed scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) and a group of eminent scientists (Clack et al.) for their study showing that Jacobson made improper assumptions in order to claim that he had demonstrated U.S. energy could be provided exclusively by renewable energy, primarily wind, water, and solar.
Saving Power in Danger: Michael Shellenberger Keynote Address to IAEA
Michael Shellenberger addressing IAEA quadrennial inter-ministerial in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Another Pro-Nuclear Victory!! This time in Connecticut, USA! Here's what it means
In another big victory for pro-nuclear forces, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy has signed legislation to prevent that state's sole nuclear plant from closing.
“James Hansen Courage Award” to Be Given to South Korean Labor, Student, and Academic Leaders in Recognition of Pro-nuclear “Citizens Jury” Victory
Ten South Korean labor, student, and academic leaders will receive the James Hansen Courage Award for their successful defense of nuclear power on Thursday, October 26 in two separate ceremonies in Ulsan and in Gyeongju.
Victory! Pro-Nuclear Win in South Korea Gives Momentum to Atomic Humanists Everywhere
In a stunning come-from-behind victory, South Korean citizens on a special jury voted 60 percent to 40 percent to re-start construction of two halted nuclear reactors.
Enemies of the Earth: Unmasking the Dirty War Against Clean Energy in South Korea by Friends of the Earth (FOE) and Greenpeace
In the end, nuclear is our only source of energy with a transcendent moral purpose, to lift all humans out of poverty, reverse humankind’s negative environmental impact, and guarantee peace.
Wind Energy Still More Expensive Than Nuclear Reactors Halted for Cost Overruns
The nuclear reactors whose construction was halted in South Carolina last Monday would likely produce electricity for the same or less than wind and solar, an Environmental Progress analysis finds.
Energy Secretary Perry’s Electric Resiliency Rule Could Be a Big Win for Nuclear and the Climate. Here’s Why
This morning Energy Secretary Rick Perry proposed that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issue a rule requiring payments to nuclear and coal power plants to maintain a resilient electrical grid.
Russia set to dominate new nuclear export by 2030, new study finds
As the United States and other Western nations withdraw from the competition to build new nuclear plants around the world, Russia is poised to increase its share of new nuclear builds from 38 percent to 57 percent by 2030.
High Cost of Fear in South Korea — Investigating Nuclear Fear in Europe
South Korea is debating whether to replace its nuclear plants, which provide 30 percent of the nation’s electricity, with fossil fuels and renewables.
South Korea's High Cost of Nuclear Fear
“The High Cost of Fear,” an in-depth Environmental Progress report, uses publicly available data, the best-available peer-reviewed scientific research and simple methods to calculate economic and environmental impacts of a nuclear phase-out in South Korea.
Renewables Can't Save the Planet. Only Nuclear Can
Smil, one of the world’s foremost experts on energy, stresses that any transition to renewables would take far longer than its most ardent proponents acknowledge.
Are we really going to allow global nuclear domination by Russia?
Sometime this fall, a U.S. federal bankruptcy judge in New York will decide the fate of Westinghouse, the venerable nuclear power company that failed financially earlier this year.
New South Carolina Nuclear Plant Would Cut Coal Use by 86%, New Analysis Finds
Almost all of the electricity South Carolina generates from coal could be eliminated if policymakers find a way to restart construction on the V.C. Summer nuclear plant, an analysis by Environmental Progress, a Berkeley, California-based research and policy organization, finds.
Greenpeace’s Dirty War on Clean Energy, Part I: South Korean Version
Atomic humanists will likely never have the resources of Greenpeace and other anti-humanists. But we don’t need them. We have something far more important on our side: the truth.
Chosun Interview: Giving up nuclear energy is unrealistic
Translated from original at:
Chosun Op-ed: Why the World Needs South Korea’s Nuclear
Last week I traveled to Seoul to deliver an open letter signed by some of the world’s most prestigious climate and environmental scientists urging President Moon Jae-in to reconsider South Korea’s phase-out of nuclear energy.
Chosun Biz Interview with Michael Shellenberger
Translated from original at: