Save French Nuclear Power!

Originally published on Environmental Progress.


Meeting to Plan Spring Action in Paris

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Meeting: 10:00 to 16:00 :: Cocktails: 17:00 :: Dinner 18:00

What: Meeting hosted by the Nuclear Pride Coalition to organize pro-nuclear public action in Paris in Spring 2019 to protest proposed nuclear plant closures.

Why: The French government could close 14 nuclear reactors to make way for natural gas and renewables which would increase electricity prices and air pollution.

How: Email if you are interested in helping to organize the public action and would like to attend the Saturday February 9 planning meeting.

All are welcome. This will be a meeting for all people regardless of political persuasion.

Travel scholarships available for students and low-income individuals.

Action organized by Nuclear Pride Coalition and co-sponsored by Les Voix du Nucléaire (“Voices of Nuclear,” France); Environmentalists for Nuclear (France); Saving Our Planet (France-UK-Norway); Stitching Ecomodernisme (“Ecomodernist Society,” Netherlands); Environmental Progress (U.S.); Partei der Humanisten (Germany); Mothers for Nuclear (Switzerland); Nuklearia (Germany); Ökomoderne (“Ecomodernist Society”, Germany); Students for Nuclear(U.S.).


Open Letter to President Rodrigo R. Duterte


A Big Year for Pro-Nuclear Victories!