A Big Year for Pro-Nuclear Victories!

Originally published by Environmental Progress.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all of your help making Environmental Progress’s third year (!) a huge success!

Can you believe all that EP and the pro-nuclear movement accomplished in 2018?

Electoral victory in Taiwan

— Pro-nuclear victory in New Jersey

— Historic pro-nuclear “pride fest” in Germany

— Dozens of news and feature articles about EP’s research and advocacy

— Public debate tilts pro-nuclear in Netherlands

— Pro-nuclear “Madame Secretary” episode on CBS

— Publication of “The Complete Case” for nuclear, three years in the making

Debunking myths about nuclear and renewables at Forbes

— Seven open letters to governments and 25 total to date

Can you help us to make 2019 even bigger? Please consider a tax-deductible donation to support EP’s efforts.

We have big things in the works. Nuclear remains in serious trouble around the world, from Taiwan to France.

The momentum is on our side, but we need to grow our movement to achieve our mission.

For nature and prosperity for all!



Save French Nuclear Power!


Open Letter to Heads of Government of the G-20 from Scientists and Scholars on Nuclear for Climate Change