Civilization Works Latest Stories & Post Archive
Why They Wrongly Say Poverty Causes Homelessness
Drug overdoses are today the number one cause of accidental death in the United States as a result of America’s historic addiction and overdose epidemic.
Drug Deaths Rise Alongside “Harm Reduction”
Drug overdoses are today the number one cause of accidental death in the United States as a result of America’s historic addiction and overdose epidemic.
The End of Gender Mistreatment
Michael Shellenberger speaks at Genspect's “The Bigger Picture” conference, November 2023.
Leaked files from WPATH reveal widespread medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults at global transgender authority.
Newly leaked files from within the leading global transgender healthcare body have revealed that the clinicians who shape how “gender medicine” is regulated and practiced around the world consistently violate medical ethics and informed consent.
How To Prevent One Million Drug Deaths
Shut down the fentanyl dealing, mandate treatment, and make shoplifting illegal again.
Groups Investigating Death Of Critically Endangered Whale Take Wind Industry Money
NEW VIDEO: The people exposing wind industry role in whale deaths.
Research briefing: why are reports of hate crime surging during the Israel-Hamas conflict?
Brazil's Authoritarian Rise
The investigation below reveals how ministers of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) in Brazil, particularly Alexandre de Moraes, have acquired substantial powers in the country over a few years.
Wind Industry Activity Strongly Correlated With Whale Deaths, New Study Finds
Over the years we’ve written and submitted dozens of letters to leaders on the state, national and international levels.
The Rise of the Censorship Industrial Complex in Brazil
The global influence of the Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC) is becoming more apparent, with Brazil emerging as a notable example.
Give Adult Users Of Social Media Control Over Legal Content Moderation
In this paper written for Environmental Progress and Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, Michael Shellenberger proposes that Section 230 liability protections be made contingent upon social media platforms allowing adult users to moderate their own legal content.
Solar Panels Are Three Times More Carbon-Intensive Than IPCC Claims
It’s a worry for the West’s economic development, never mind energy security and climate action. If solar is anything to go by, the great transition seems less based on data, than a mixture of blind faith and vested interests.
Why Progressives Ruin Cities
Fieldstead and Company hosted Civilization Works president and founder, Michael Shellenberger, to discuss the ideas posited in his bestselling book, San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities.
Google Survey Finds Americans Victimized By Climate Disinformation
A Google survey of over 2,300 people conducted last year by Civilization Works, found that 53% of people surveyed in the U.S. agree with the false statement, “Climate change is making hurricanes more frequent”
Germany is expected to increase its fossil fuel consumption for electricity generation in 2022, if its weather conditions and electricity demand are similar to 2021, a new analysis from Civilization Works (nee: Environmental Progress) finds.
New study finds half of people released from jail before trial in SF re-offend
A new study finds that, of the people released from jail before trial in San Francisco, half committed new crimes and 1 out of 6 committed a violent crime.